Radio Frequency Technology

modern techniques

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If you've ever considered facial tightening, our Pelleve & Dermatrix Duo devices are the perfect choice to your skin rejuvenation journey.

Introducing Radio Frequency Technology (RF)

The Doctors use RF technology for a variety of surgical and cosmetic procedures.


  • Removal of skin tags, biopsies and lesion removal
  • Pigmentation, sun damage and melanoma
  • Facial vessel removal
  • Rosacea, Angioma (port-wine stains)
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Telangiectasia


Why Not Pamper Yourself and Feel on Top of the World?

Radio Frequency (Pelleve RF) is also used for the removal of warts, unsightly moles or raised lesions.

Eyelid rejuvenation and treatment of drooping eyes can be improved with Pelleve RF.

With RF skin rejuvenation procedures, this is no scarring, no downtime & minimal after effects.

Dr Jeffery also performs blepharoplasty utilising the additional surgical arm of the Pelleve RF device.

Pelleve Services

Pelleve is a wrinkle-reduction system. If you are dealing with problem areas around the eyes or the top of the lip, then this transformative system may be right for you.


  • Skin tightening
  • Wrinkle treatment
  • Cellulite treatment
  • Blepharoplasty



  • Facelifts
  • Hair follicle epilation
  • Keloid/lesion removal
  • Nevi/skin tag removal



  • Telangiectasia treatment (face only)
  • Wart removal


Introducing Revolutionary  RF & skin needling Technology

Dermatrix Duo

Dermatrix Duo is the latest generation of fractional RF system, which combines micro-needle and needle-free fractional RF technology for skin resurfacing, scar treatment, wrinkle reduction and skin tightening etc. The delivered RF energy can penetrate into different layers of skin via controllable depth. As a non-laser therapy, Dermatrix Duo is suitable for all skin type, even for pigmented patients.


Working principle

The insulated gold-coated needle inserts deep into the skin. RF energy release and create thousands of coagulation zone, which crease thermal effects in the dermis. The microscopic thermal zones (MTZ) produce potential healing effects and the undamaged tissue between the needles will act as a “healing server” to accelerate the collagen renewal and skin tissues remodeling.

The micro-needle handle can penetrate deep into different skin layers while the needle-free handle act on the relative superficial area, which produce a complete fractional resurfacing effect. 

Beauty meets science

Call us 5570 6535 to book an appointment

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