

We offer a range of tailored infusions to meet the various needs of our patients.

Our friendly, personalised & professional service may assist in the treatment of various conditions.

Experienced care

Our clinical team have the knowledge & experience to make your infusion a safe & comfortable experience.

Dr Riaan Jeffery consults & supervises all infusion services to ensure an optimal result for our patients.

Tailor made

Our infusions are customised for every individual patient's needs. Our compounding pharmacist provides quality, safe vitamin infusions that may deliver an efficient & effective treatment to support immunity, recovery & wellbeing.


Infusion therapy has long been regarded as the most efficient & effective delivery of essential vitamins & minerals as none of their efficacy is reduced by the digestive system.

Our Registered Nurse will introduce a small butterfly cannula into your healthiest vein & will either administer an infusion or a gentle slow push.

            Iron Infusion

Iron deficiency can lead to a condition called anemia. This can cause lethargy, poor concentration & pallor. An efficient infusion will help restore your iron levels back to a normal level without the need for daily medication & it's unfriendly side effects.

This infusion also attracts a medicare rebate.

For more information regarding our infusion therapy email

or telephone 5570 6535

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