Bring out your Natural Beauty with Dr Riaan Jeffery. He has years of experience in the field of aesthetic beauty. He is able to assist you in choosing one of our many facial rejuvenation treatments including Blepharoplasty (upper eye-lid surgery.)
He works closely with our dermal therapist to assist with all of your skin concerns.
Muscle relaxant injections
Dr Jeffery provides effective treatments & offers a non-surgical option for addressing age related facial issues. He uses only quality products that contain a natural, purified protein to target specific facial muscles. This temporarily reduces muscle activity, and may result in may in a smoother appearance.
We offer a range of familiar cosmetic procedures performed in Australia.
Restore Volume
Over time, our skin loses volume & can begin to sag or develop deep lines or folds. Dr Jeffery offers treatments for specific areas such as lips, cheeks & jaw line. He utilises the world's leading products to assist in lifting & recreating lost volume. This may help achieve a smoother & more balanced appearance.
He also offers a complete range of quality O Cosmedic products to protect, enhance & rejuvenate your skin.
Dr Jeffery also performs eye lid reduction surgery, blepharoplasty that removes the excess or sagging skin from the upper eyes. This can create a permanent, eye-opening, refreshed & natural-looking result.
To book a no obligation consultation please call Capri Medical 55706535.